Prostitution legalized And added To Employment Skills In New Zealand For To bE Immigrants

Prostitution added as new skill for to-be immigrants in New Zealand

Migrants hoping to start a new life in New Zealand can now add a new skill to their visa applications. Under a new plan, would-be immigrants can claim points as skilled sex workers and escorts.

The skill is regarded as providing social companionship in the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) list.

In order to meet the criteria of a highly qualified sex worker, would-be migrants will be expected to have ANZSCO skill level 5. The requirements issued by ANZSCO also include compulsory secondary education.

However, applicants of ANZSCO level 5 cannot be classified as skilled unless their pay is more than $25.87 per hour, which is $53,818 per year based on a 40-hour week.

The applicants should also have relevant recognized qualifications or have at least three years of work experience in the relevant industry. 📷: RT

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