Science and Technology- Good or Bad?, Read This

    We are in a world where the impact of science and technology cannot be Ignored. In one way or the other science and technology has affect our day to day activities which can either be directly or indirectly.
   Science and technology has so many effect on human activities and way of life, in the world we are today,we cannot do without the use of science and technology because it aids most of the things we do but on the on the other hand it has some harmful/bad effect on human and their activities. Lets some of its advantages and disadvantages below.

Advantages Of Science and Technology
In Communication: The use of science and technology has brought about the ease of communication. In todays century, science and technology has brought a means of easier and faster communication- Mobile/cell phones. Mobile phones has been of great use to individuals nowadays; its use can never be ignored,75% of the total world population has a cell phone. You can call one another without leaving your room or stepping out, even with the introduced social media platforms,you can communicate with friends and family for free.
You can also do numerous things on your mobile phones like Taking picture,playing songs and videos,Maps,Shopping,etc.
In Mobility: Taking about mobility,the use of science and technology has greatly affected it positively. With the use of science and technology,mobility in humans have become faster and easier to the satisfaction of one.
These are some gadgets that science and technology has brought for ease of mobility - Cars,bikes,Bicycle,Tricycles,aeroplane,jets..etc..
Lets take car for instance,one can move from one place to another with ease with the use of car,it is a fast means of transportation also.Air transport which is the fastest means of travelling is also an easy of transportation and a product of science and technology.
In Information: Science and technology has also help greatly in the information aspect where its products make people informed; products like Television,Radio,Cellphone etc.
Taking a TV as an example, television has been of a great use to people. Information around and near people can be seen/heard on the TV. Likewise a Radio,information around and near can be heard on it too.
In Health: You might not know,drugs/medications,doctor's equipments,hospital gadgets etc. are products of science and technology which has been keeping human existing. People get ill everyday,they go the hospital and they are been treated through the use/means of science and technology.

          Some Disadvantages
   There is nothing that has advantages that does not equally one or two disadvantages. There are also some disadvantages of science and technology. Check through them below.
It's disadvantages can result sometimes through the misuse.
Lets take a cellphone for instance, users of cellphones have been told to not use it when plugged in socket to avoid the risk of explosion but this is not put into place it might result into it.
     Also science and technology has brought about Machineries like gun,bombs,rockets etc. Although, guns serves as a means of security to the society, evil doers also use to execute their evil deeds.
     Science and technology has also indulge some bad influence into youngsters nowadays, with the use of mobile phones, there are some things youngsters are exposed to which they are not supposed to know yet. Examples include seeing pornography contents,Fights in films etc.

Conclusion: Science and technology has been of great importance to the society,ignoring the disadvantages, Science and technology is very helpful if its used in a good manner.

© Dregist

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